eCommerce checkout

5 eCommerce Checkout Best Practices to Optimize Customer Experience

Your eCommerce checkout process can make or break a sale. After all, this final step in the customer journey is a delicate balance. You want to collect customer information, but you also want the checkout process to be as friction-free as possible.

Half of all U.S. consumers abandon their online purchases due to slow and/or complicated checkout processes. Shoppers are similar in both Mexico (49%) and Canada (40%). These numbers illustrate the importance of a seamless checkout process. But implementing it can be tricky.

We’ve outlined the following eCommerce checkout best practices to help you optimize your customers’ online shopping experience. In the end, you’ll see more sales and greater customer satisfaction.

Decide Between Single-Page vs Multi-Page Checkout

First, choose the layout of your eCommerce checkout page. A one-page checkout is more straightforward, with all information and steps on a single page. Users can review their details without navigating between multiple pages. This reduces checkout time and minimizes cart abandonment. But by placing all elements on a single page, you may overwhelm customers.

A multi-page checkout breaks down the process, resulting in a visually appealing interface. It also provides a detailed view of the buying cycle for analysis. Of course, moving between pages gives customers a chance to reconsider their purchase.

In addition, slow-loading and glitchy pages can cause frustration. This could lead to drop-offs, especially among impatient or time-constrained users.

eCommerce checkout for businesses

Each layout has advantages and disadvantages. So, before you choose between the two, think about the following factors:

  • Nature of Products: For brands that offer a limited product selection or minimal customization options, a single-page checkout may be effective. Those with different product variations may find multi-page layouts more suitable.
  • Target Audience Preferences: Consider the behaviors of your target demographic. For instance, younger consumers may prefer the speed and simplicity of a single-page checkout. But older consumers who are less familiar with online shopping may find the structure of multi-page checkouts more helpful.
  • Complexity of Checkout Process: If your checkout process has multiple steps and options, you may want a multi-page checkout. Simpler processes can get away with a single-page layout.

Offer a Mobile-Friendly eCommerce Checkout Experience

A Pew Research Study found 76% of American adults use their smartphones to shop online. For retailers, it’s more important than ever to offer mobile-friendly checkout experiences.

eCommerce checkout processes that work on mobile devices let customers complete transactions from anywhere at any time. They also accommodate on-the-go shoppers who prefer quick and effortless purchases. You’ll enhance the overall shopping experience and boost customer satisfaction.

To streamline the checkout process and maximize mobile commerce, implement responsive design principles. This enables the checkout page to adjust to various screen sizes and resolutions.

Simplify the checkout flow by cutting down the number of steps required to complete a purchase. Also, reduce the number of form fields to make data entry faster for the customer. Finally, avoid adding intrusive elements like pop-up displays or links that redirect to a different window or application.

With these strategies, you can create a mobile-friendly checkout experience that caters to the preferences and behaviors of mobile shoppers. As a result, you’ll drive higher conversion rates and foster customer loyalty.

Provide Guest Checkouts

Imagine this: After browsing the entire catalog of a clothing store, you finally find an item you like. You click on the “Buy Now” button, credit card at the ready, only to be met with a pop-up insisting you create an account first. Frustrating, isn’t it?

In a recent survey on the leading reasons for cart abandonment, 24% of consumers said being required to create an account at checkout led them to drop the purchase altogether. While getting customers to create an account is great for order tracking and data collection, it adds extra steps for them. They may not be willing to invest the time in this additional process.

guest checkouts for ecommerce businesses

Instead, offer the option to check out as a guest to streamline the purchasing process and boost conversion rates. You can always send them an email after the purchase and encourage them to register. Offer discount codes or freebies for their next purchase to sweeten the deal.

Utilize Trust Signals Within Your eCommerce Checkout

With digital scams on the rise, many consumers are wary about online transactions. This is especially true if it’s their first time buying from a brand.

It’s up to businesses to prove their trustworthiness. Put multi-layer security measures in place, comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) guidelines, and use fraud protection measures. Also, leverage trust signals such as:

  • Payment Badges: Icons of credit card providers, payment gateways, and digital wallets
  • Security Badges: SSL certificates and security badges from prominent organizations like McAfee and VeriSign
  • Third-Party Endorsements: Accreditations, awards, and similar recognition from well-known organizations such as the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and Google Customer Reviews
  • Money-Back Guarantee Icons: Visual cues that you provide money-back guarantees and have return/refund policies
  • Contact and Shipping Information: Phone and email details so customers can reach you regarding their purchase

With these elements on your eCommerce checkout pages, your customers will feel more confident that their transactions are secure. It’s also easier for them to verify the legitimacy of your business, which gives them peace of mind as they shop.

Suggest Related Deals and Upsells

Product recommendations help businesses guide customers toward additional purchases, increasing the average order value (AOV). When executed correctly, they enhance the overall shopping experience and encourage repeat purchases.

Deals and upsell opportunities for your eCommerce checkout page might include:

  • Cross-Sell Products: Suggest complementary products or upgrades based on the items in a customer’s cart. You can also recommend what else other customers often buy when they purchase the same or similar items.
  • Limited-Time Offers: Create a sense of urgency by showcasing limited-time offers on products related to the customer’s chosen items. This can encourage customers to take advantage of deals before they expire.
  • Bundle Discounts: Offer discounts or special pricing for purchasing a bundle of products together. For example, if they purchase a stapler, you can offer staple refills at a discount price.
  • Popular Products: Recommend items that garnered widespread interest among other shoppers. This can complement upselling strategies as it allows them to reconsider options they may have overlooked.
  • Gift Recommendations: Suggest similar products that could be purchased as gifts for friends or loved ones. This expands the customer’s shopping options and encourages them to add extra items to their order. It’s also a good way to promote new products.

Simplify Checkout, Boost Conversions

Customers abandon their carts at checkout for all sorts of reasons. Some may be out of your control, like taxes and high shipping costs. However, you can increase the likelihood of conversion by optimizing other aspects of the eCommerce checkout process.

Simple solutions like enabling guest checkouts and making your online store mobile-friendly can improve the purchasing experience. This can work wonders for your bottom line, from increasing conversions to encouraging repeat purchases.

For a better checkout process, partner with a reliable eCommerce development team like Zobrist. Specializing in enterprise-level eCommerce and mobile-first shopping experiences, we have the tools you need to overhaul your digital storefront. Contact us today to discuss your eCommerce needs.