
5 Tips for eCommerce Success in 2015

If 2014 taught us anything, it’s that eCommerce and mobile transactions are on the rise. And 2015 looks to be even stronger with the total number of digital buyers worldwide amounting to over 1.2 trillion. Your business can reap the rewards of this growing trend by revitalizing your eCommerce management strategy and making your site more attractive to consumers. Take a look at our top five tips for reaching your eCommerce goals in 2015.











5. Mobile Friendly

Many online businesses still aren’t getting the message: mobile content is here to stay. In order to stay competitive, your site needs to be mobile-friendly. That means larger text and links, scaled images and an interactive, personalized design. You also need to include an easy-to-use mobile payment method. Sync up your mobile e-commerce site with your business’s physical location. In one of the largest eCommerce ventures to date, Target and Facebook recently launched Cartwheel, a mobile feature that advertises in-store savings to users. Successful eCommerce management begins with a mobile strategy.

4. Get Localized

The beauty of eCommerce trading is its international appeal. If you make your content accessible to foreign nations, your business can cash in on international markets. Start by investing in a translation service for your content, international shipping methods, and localized payment methods. Consumers from around the world won’t buy your products if you don’t give them the option.

3. Keep it Personal

Make your customers feel at home by tailoring your content to their interests and preferences. Use big data analytics to shape your eCommerce management strategy. You can use a customer’s Facebook “likes,” browsing history, previous purchases to deliver content that will drive sales. Consumers have come to expect personalized content on sites that they frequently visit. Keep your customers coming back by sending them exclusive deals and shopping recommendations every time they click on your website. If your eCommerce site doesn’t get in on the big data game, your competitors will.

2. Preferred Shipping

Consumer expectations are through the roof when it comes to shipping. Live tracking and faster shipping methods are quickly becoming the norm for most e-commerce sites. Keep your business competitive by offering overnight shipping or same-day delivery options. Stay up to date on inventory as transactions get faster. No one likes to see an “out of stock” message next to their favorite product.

1. Securing Payment

Most importantly, find a secure way for your customers to pay. Data breaches are popping up everywhere and security is the biggest reason why consumers won’t buy online. If you don’t offer a secure payment method, customers will abandon their carts and find similar products somewhere else. Give customers peace of mind by partnering with an industry-preferred payment partner such as PayPal. Would you give your credit card information to a site that you don’t trust? Probably not.

Take your online business to the next level by investing in professional eCommerce web design. At Zobrist Inc., we use the latest marketing practices and eCommerce management techniques to make our clients as competitive as possible in the global marketplace. Find what your site is missing and make 2015 your best year yet.

Photo courtesy of Maria Elena