When it comes to B2B marketing strategies for your eCommerce website, never before has it been more important to be outstanding.
The Covid-19 pandemic, lockdowns, and other restrictions have changed the way we live, play, and work and the B2B sector is no exception. In fact, it has seen dramatic change as 96% of sales teams have shifted to a remote selling environment.
The potential result? No in-person meetings, no face-to-face time with customers, no chance to journey with them in-person to a positive outcome. The solution? Be outstanding, raise the bar, and leave a warm, welcoming, and (most importantly) lasting impression in the minds of your customers. Optimize this new digital experience by defining an expert B2B marketing strategy for your eCommerce site.
What the Analytics Say About Your eCommerce B2B Marketing Strategy
With this move to digital, analytics has never been more important, as recent research indicates. According to recent surveys conducted, sales executives rate this new digital experience as twice as important as in previous years.
Consumer feedback indicates a positive trend to more online shopping experiences with numbers reflecting the highest increase in mobile apps, online communities, and social media pages since 2019. For this reason, B2B companies need to stay mindful of what their customers are experiencing and expecting in their online shopping journey.
Launch a High-Performance B2B eCommerce Website
While your business may already be offering an eCommerce website experience, the shift to a greater online presence means that every B2B owner should be assessing the effectiveness of their current offerings.
Any B2B company focused on growth, especially in these turbulent times, needs to ensure that its eCommerce site meets certain requirements. An outstanding eCommerce website should effectively drive leads, nurture customer relationships and personalize outreach.
The reality is that B2B company’s need to ensure their site caters to the customer’s every need—and combats every potential frustration. Users today list ease of use as one of their core criteria when assessing a site, and so a good understanding of what could potentially irritate your customers is essential.
For this reason, the structure and design of your site should reflect your customer’s preferences and not necessarily your own ideas and wants. A warm and welcoming, mobile-responsive, interface is an excellent step in the right direction.
A cohesive strategy ensures everyone and everything speaks the same language and is working towards a common goal. This is where the customer relationship management (CRM) system comes to the forefront. As a business owner, you need to ensure your CRM system is able to deliver. It should assist you in gathering and analyzing data pertaining to client behavior from various customer touchpoints.
Your client’s interactions with your site pages, links contained in emailers, and social media posts provide valuable data that should be mined by a CRM that integrates well with your various marketing systems.
Communication is key when it comes to the system you use, and chances are if your system is not cloud-based, it will be missing built-in integrations, social graph tools, and data on how your customers interact on mobile devices. A good CRM system should easily:
- Keep track of your leads
- Centrally manage multiple channels
- Automate the process of creating personalized content
- Align your sales with your marketing.
In addition, special attention should be given to the management of your content strategy. An effective, open-source content management system eliminates some of the leg work involved and will easily allow for support with:
- Email marketing forms
- Analytics
- Ad publishing management
- A testing environment to evaluate communication with clients
- The health of your company’s SEO ranking
- How users interact with your site

Develop a Strong Content Marketing Strategy
With more users self-educating to make informed shopping decisions, the importance of good quality content can’t be stressed enough. In fact, Hubspot reports that 74% of B2B buyers research at least half of their purchases before they buy.
Some of the most effective ways to showcase content are through cleverly crafted blogs, knowledge bases, and resource hubs that allow your prospects to learn extensively about your products, organization, and other facts before they buy.
Types of content the business owner can consider includes:
- Questions and answers
- Product reviews
- Blogs created from videos and tutorials
- Industry News
- Case studies
A well-written blog detailing interesting, valuable, and possibly even technical information regarding your product or service is likely to not only be shared continually but also imprint within the minds of prospective clients. Reaffirm your standing as an industry expert and watch your customer loyalty grow exponentially.
Partner With a B2B eCommerce Expert
Keeping your site relevant and up to date with the latest technologies and solutions is essential when building an effective B2B eCommerce website today. Oftentimes, the measures involved in upgrading a current offering are more than a business owner has time for, or perhaps the staff within the organization lack the resources or skills necessary to design and manage an eCommerce website.
Perhaps you are the owner who simply wants to be outstanding with the online experience you offer. Whatever the reason, partnering with an eCommerce expert is something all B2B organizations should consider in their B2B marketing strategy. Companies such as the Zobrist Software Group specialize in achieving the results your B2B organization needs.
They will help you connect to your target audience with a mobile, responsive, and fast-loading website complete with personal content and the business tools for inventory management, fulfillment, ERP, and more to streamline your back-office operations. Partnering with Zobrist will open the door to integrations such as:
- Multiple payment options
- Multiple languages
- Upsell offers
- The ability to develop and grow your digital commerce presence
- The ability to compete for market share at a global level
- The ability to increase revenue.
By selecting Zobrist to automate your eCommerce website marketing strategy, you automatically free your sales execs to do what you employed them to do—manage relationships with your customers.
Perfectly Packaged B2B Marketing Strategies to Suit Your eCommerce Website Requirements
Extreme times call for outstanding measures. What the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted within the B2B environment is that there is indeed a smarter and more effective way to do business.
As more users rely more heavily on online opportunities available to them, B2B companies have found that they can keep up with the standard required through the development of expert marketing strategies for their eCommerce websites.
By partnering with Zobrist, B2B companies can ensure an online offering that is inviting and mobile responsive. They can establish themselves as industry experts through the development of a strong content marketing strategy. They can ensure integrations that make their eCommerce website work for them and watch their revenue soar. Contact a Zobrist consultant to discuss your options today—and become outstanding.