In terms of installation, nothing new, but there are tools for migrating Marketing Campaigns… In V7, should definitely go with Management Center to take advantage of latest Marketing features.
The migration tool for V7 is improved from previous versions.
It is now based entirely on ANT scripts and custom ANT tasks, so it allows customizations.
In previous versions, wizards only did part of the task (about 60-70%)
In V7, migration buiilt on ANT, allows customization
Migration Challenge
Easier to migration 5.6.1 due to no FEPs!
FEPs created headaches due to different combinations of features enabled
Different db schemas, different states of enablement
WCIM tool
More robust, built on ANT task
Client/server architecture
Wizard is the client to provide graphic support
Graphic support built with Swing components
Clients communicate with server through RMI calls
Server invokes ANT builds throught the WCIMANT class
Specialized ANT launcher to simplify and check user input for command line
WCIM framework
Client (wizard) — RMI calls —> WCserver — invokes –> WCIMANT (ant builds)
How WCIM took works
3 ANT tasks retrieve list of features to be migrated
tiers: application server, database server, web server
Loop through each tier, migrate features one by one
Can add new tier to add to loop
Regardless of features, BASE code is traditional command/server stuff treated as Feature
Difference, BASE is always first to be migrated
Other features can be added to build
Order of features is not guaranteed, only BASE is always migrated first!
WCIMANT Framework
WCIMANT-> migration/xml/build.xml -> first, migrate base code
-> migration/xml/db.xml
-> migration/xml/features/<featurename>/db/<from>
-> migration/xml/app.xml
-> migration/xml/ws.xml
Database Migration Best Practices (Most Important Tier)
Have to have WC v7 installed first before migration
Instance to migrate must be in working state
Backup db before migration
Restore backup image to another db
Consider using different database name for the backup
Not required to be installed on same machine as instance to be migrated
Review migration log
Database Migration Using Wizard
Two stages:
First stage, test run!: do not have shutdown WC instance
Migrate production data: must shut down WC instance first!
Launch wizard
Choose toolkit or server
Select test run
Select commerce version and instance xml
Select dbms and appropriate user/password
Database Migration using ANT script /wcim_ant.bat (replaces migratedb tool)
-instanceName <instanceName>
-tier db
-action actionType
-from version {561 | 60}
Test run: -action check
Prod mig: -action migrate
Most of database migration tasks are implemented as subclass of WCIMDBTask
WCIMDBTask subclass of ANT task SQLExec
WCIMSQLExecTask changes behavior of SQLExec
Commits automatically unless autocommit parameter is false
Supports schema name different from user id
Resolves SQL script files automatically given filename and optionally
Release Number
Application and web server migration
Migrate ONLY if database migration completed successfully
Process required once for every WC instance to be migrated
Steps: (x done, o new)
x launch wizard
x select toolkit / server
x select if test run
x select commerce version and instance xml
x select DBMS type
o select web server type and location of WC install dir
o input web server info
Application and web migration using ANT scripts
Backup app first!
wcim_ant -instance instname -tier app -action backup -from version {561|60}
Migrate the application
-tier app -action migrate
Migrate the web server
When migration to remote machine
creates ear file and zip file of instance,
copy from old machine to new machine
Notes on migrating web server
Maybe backed up remotely
Migration with Feature Packs
Reuse the database part of iFeature enablement scripts
Reuse updateDB scripts from V6 to migrate to an intermediate database before migrating v7
1 Bring the db to the latest fixpack
2 Enable ALL iFeatures in the database by calling the database part of the iFeature enablement script
**** all db schema identical by this point
3 Migrate the database to v7
4 Bring the database to the latest fixpack level by calling update DB in V7
If iFeature is customized, then iFeature customizer must provide own migration script
If new features or components, then feature owner must provide migration scripts
Order of scripts not guaranteed!
Can build dependencies using prereq.xml
After migrating BASE component, for all iFeatures:
.component files removed from EAR
Remove records from SITE table
Migration scripts for features
Writing prereq.xml
From which previous version of feature can I migrate?
Which version of BASE does it require?
Which version of other features is required?
<Component name=”XXX” version=”1″ release=”0″ modification=”0″ fixpack=”*”
Referencing properties
will be copied to
Custom ANT Tasks
<WC>/migration/xml/common.xml <- put new tasks here
Can be invoked without initializing them