product information management

The Benefits of Using a Product Information Management Software for a Seamless Data and Platform Migration

Are you planning to migrate your data or switch to a new platform? With a constantly evolving systems landscape, it’s essential to ensure your data moves between the platforms smoothly. Regardless of the reason behind your data or platform migration project, product information management (PIM) software is a key component.

An ideal PIM software will streamline data management, making the migration process smoother and more efficient. For eCommerce platforms, managing the migration process with a PIM solution is even more important. After all, your current site holds valuable customer information you can’t afford to lose.

This guide will help you navigate an Oracle ATG migration, which has reached its end of life. We explore six ways Syndigo, a product information management solution, can help.

1. Centralized Data Management

Centralized data management brings your data into a single repository. Experts define the standardized attributes for all the products by category. They also enrich product data with descriptions, optimized images, and pricing information.

Centralized data storage supports product information management in several ways. For instance:

  • Ensures Data Accuracy: Centralization means all system channels and platforms have updated product data and information. Accuracy helps maintain brand integrity and trust.
  • Efficient Data Management: With centralization, it’s easier to both collect and organize data. This reduces data duplication and other trivial errors.
  • Consistency Across Channels: After implementation, it will ensure consistent distribution of information and data across all channels. This results in better decision-making and improves the customer experience.
product information management concept

PIM-enabled data management becomes even easier with headless implementation. Because the front and back ends are decoupled, the PIM solution can manage data and product information in any format with impressive flexibility.

Syndigo offers a centralized data storage and management system for a variety of product information. Both B2C and B2B eCommerce businesses can store product images, attributes, descriptions, and a host of other digital assets.

The software streamlines data storage, consolidation, and distribution while organizing it from different sources. As it creates a unified data analysis format, Syndigo acts as a single source of truth and simplifies the migration process.

2. Data Mapping and Transformation

Product data mapping (PDM) assists with data extraction, migration, integration, and warehousing automation. A data mapping strategy is necessary for product information management and can be further simplified in a headless implementation format.

Without effective data mapping, you feed substandard and disparate data to the PIM systems. This can have serious consequences for your eCommerce business.

There are two types of PDM: logical and physical. Physical PDM includes the implementation of complex data management. It can take three forms:

  • Manual Mapping requires expert coding skills and ensures seamless data management customization.
  • Semi-Automated Mapping uses software such as Syndigo to connect matching data schemers.
  • Fully Automated Mapping is a full suite of tools and solutions with a drag-and-drop system that maps data without any coding knowledge or experience.

For an effective data mapping structure, it’s important to remember the following best practices:

  • Understand the data’s nature and identify all the data fields, especially when migrating data from legacy systems.
  • Map data according to the data fields and target system, which in this case is a PIM software used to define data models.
  • Once the mapping is complete, test it to ensure correct structuring for an easy management process.

To take data mapping one notch further, Syndigo boasts a suite of tools and workflows to map and transform product data. This ensures it aligns with the required data model and structure.

data migration and mapping

With Syndigo, you can also define the data mapping structure between source and target fields. Data validation rules are applied, and product information is added as and when required. As a result, the data you migrate will be accurate, consistent, and compliant.

3. Data Cleansing and Standardization

Product data cleansing is critical for large-scale eCommerce platforms with a huge inventory and complex catalogs. Standardizing, categorizing, and splitting data can also be automated, which gives you time to focus on other core aspects of the business.

In addition to data structuring, cleansing, and standardization, it’s crucial to implement product information management solutions for data migration. Data cleansing has four steps:

  1. Decide Classification: Classification is the organizational structure of data, which streamlines how your end users interact with products and improves their experience. You must decide the data schema, choose data category profiles, write SEO-optimized product descriptions, and add enhanced images.
  2. Find Hidden Data: While discovering basic data is simple, it’s the hidden data that makes a difference. But that’s also hard to find. Unstructured data in PIM can breed accuracy issues. Find hidden data assets from all the departments and teams to leverage your PIM solution to the best of its abilities.
  3. Common Style Rules: Pre-define rules for data use and structure to maintain consistency and coherence. This makes data management less stressful and more productive. Common styling guidelines will include the format of brand names in product descriptions.
  4. Scrub Data: When you have large amounts of data, it’s natural to come across some inaccuracies. Deleting the duplicated, out-of-date, and inaccurate data is crucial.

Don’t use different products for each step; Syndigo provides a single solution that can cleanse and standardize data. With this PIM software, you can improve data quality and ensure it’s free from all inconsistencies and duplicate records. As a result, you’ll have complete data integrity and a smooth migration process, whether you’re transferring data or an entire platform.

4. Data Enrichment and Enhancement

Product data enrichment includes adding required attributes, descriptions, images, specifications, and relevant information to enhance data quality. As a result, your customers will have better product information, which is crucial to inspire purchases.

When you provide customers with enriched data boasting compelling and informative product information, you can improve both conversion rates and revenue. Enriched product data is also useful in SEO optimization.

What’s more, enriched product data and descriptions can support buyer journeys to help you build trust and loyalty among customers. Through this, eCommerce businesses can experience repeat purchases and long-term relationships with clients. As you improve customer satisfaction, you also decrease cart abandonment.

With Syndigo, you can go beyond basic data enrichment and create rich product profiles. This helps you boost discoverability by integrating additional attributes. Your products become easier to find and your search process more user-friendly.

You can also enrich the customer experience by integrating external data like high-resolution images, engaging videos, and detailed descriptions. Syndigo has several integrations with additional data providers, syndication networks, and digital asset libraries.

5. Version Control and Audit Trail

Tracking and logging changes in data structuring and product information is an important compliance requirement. With product information management solutions, you can get in-built version tracking and audit trail features. As a result, you can monitor changes in data over time and learn from the mistakes.

product information data audit

Going further into the tracking and monitoring process lets you know who made the changes and when. This facilitates transparency in the process.

With Syndigo, you’ll never lose track of product data. The software helps you maintain a complete record of all the changes throughout the migration process. From tracking data modifications to monitoring the approval process, you’ll also get rollback capabilities that offer maximum control.

6. Integration With eCommerce Platforms

Integrations offer a way to improve your eCommerce platform’s capabilities. Whether you want to synchronize product data, set dynamic product pricing, manage catalogs, or even localize your eCommerce platform, integrations can help.

For PIM-enabled data and platform migration, integrations help centralize data management, enhance efficiency, and improve data quality. A headless implementation compounds these benefits. You can enhance product listing, speed up the work, and benefit from faster time-to-market.

Product information management integration with eCommerce platforms offers the following advantages:

  • Better scalability
  • An improvement in sales and marketing
  • Better customer experience
  • Support for multichannel and omnichannel sales
  • Better business agility
  • Better collaboration with work
  • Improved search engine visibility

Syndigo can improve data transfer during migration. It can integrate with eCommerce solutions like Salesforce, Shopify, and Magento. With Syndigo, you can get:

  • Automated Data Exchange: Real-time API connections ensure product data and information flow seamlessly between Syndigo and your eCommerce platform.
  • Streamlined Migration: Automate data migration workflows to ensure your team gets more time and resources to focus on the migration process.
  • Data Consistency and Compliance: Syndigo fosters a smooth data migration process, boasting data accuracy and consistency across all channels. As a result, product information is always compliant with industry standards.

Syndigo-based integrations will foster a culture of efficient data migration processes. As you plan to migrate product data from existing legacy systems, Syndigo helps you minimize disruptions and maximize output.

Streamline Data Migration With Zobrist

A product information management solution streamlines data and platform migrations, especially when eCommerce businesses migrate from an Oracle ATG. Working with PIM ensures centralized data management, data mapping, data cleansing, enrichment, and version control.

At Zobrist, our data management and migration services are empowered by Syndigo. As experts in the headless implementation for data and platform migration process, we use Syndigo to its full potential to deliver bespoke solutions. Contact us today to learn more.